The Role of Large Investors in Bitcoin Volatility

papel grandes inversores volatilidad bitcoin CCoins Blogs 01

Manipulation in financial markets, including Bitcoin, refers to someone who uses hidden or deceptive methods to control prices in their favor. Large investors, known as “whales,” have so much Bitcoin that they can move the market. Sometimes, they may use unethical tactics to drive the price up or down, benefiting at the expense of others, […]

The Self-custody of Bitcoin: Empowering users in Argentina and Spain

autocustodia bitcoin argentina espana CCoins Blogs 01

The adoption of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies is constantly increasing around the world. However, with this growth also come concerns about the security and custody of digital assets. In a world where financial autonomy and privacy protection are increasingly valued, self-custody is presented as a key solution. Recently, Argentina and Spain have seen a notable […]

Bitcoin and Ethereum: Immune to 51% Attacks

bitcoin ethereum inmunes ataque 51 CCoins Blogs 01

Since their emergence, both Bitcoin and Ethereum have faced concerns about the possibility of 51% attacks, a threat that could compromise the security and integrity of these decentralized networks. However, new research from Coin Metrics has shed light on the immunity of these leading Cryptocurrencies from such attacks. What are 51% attacks and why are […]

Banks push cryptocurrency adoption: What’s going on?

bancos impulsan criptomonedas CCoins Blogs 01

The financial world is undergoing a remarkable shift as major U.S. banks and financial institutions push the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to adjust guidelines that prevent them from offering cryptocurrency-related services to their customers. The move has sparked a heated debate about the role of banks in the crypto ecosystem and its implications for […]

BRC-20: The new tokens that can be issued in Bitcoin.

BRC 20 nuevos tokens emitidos en Bitcoin Blog CCoins 01 1

Bitcoin is the most popular and oldest Cryptocurrency in the world, but it is also a network that allows the creation of other digital assets. BRC-20 are an example of these assets, which use the “Ordinals” protocol to issue and transfer fungible tokens on the Bitcoin network. In this article we will explain what BRC-20 […]

Why Bitcoin is important?

por qué Bitcoin es importante

Among the reasons why Bitcoin is important are its resistance to censorship, globality, and the economic norms that its P2P consensus enforces.

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