What is Anti-Money Laundering or (AML)?

AML is an acronym for Anti-Money Laundering. It is a concept used mainly in the financial and legal world to describe the legal controls that financial institutions and other regulated entities must do in order to prevent, detect and report suspected money laundering activities.

17 contratos inteligentes

In a broad sense, money laundering or asset laundering is considered to be any action or intention to convert or transfer funds to the regulated financial system, even knowing that they come from an illegal activity.

To prevent AML and protect the interests of all our clients, Ccoins uses the “Know your Customer’s” KYC system, through identity verification and database checks of people sanctioned or who have been referred to some criminal act or fraud such as:

  • United Nations Sanctions (UN)
  • US Consolidated Sanctions
  • OFAC – Specially Designated Nationals (SDN)
  • EU Financial Sanctions
  • UK Financial Sanctions (HMT)
  • Australian sanctions
  • Swiss Sanctions List – SECO
  • Interpol Wanted List
  • Consolidated List of Canadian Autonomous Sanctions
  • Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (CANADA)
  • Bureau of Industry and Security (USA)
  • Department of State, AECA Prohibited List (USA)
  • Department of State, Nonproliferation Sanctions (US)
  • Adverse Means or Negative News
  • Other Lists.

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Identity verifications are carried out mainly to maintain a platform without any type of malicious agent, with this system the entry of users with a negative record in financial or other incidents is prevented.

No, this process is simply a verification of information, where certain relevant data is compared with some lists of financial activity control agencies. If the data provided does not present any inconvenience, the user is simply allowed to enter the platform safely.

Unfortunately yes, however thanks to these measures the way of doing business with Cryptocurrencies is increasingly transparent and legal, allowing people to trade with them anonymously but with the relevant controls.

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