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What is Escrow?
Escrow is the process of safeguarding and assets during a transaction …
Escrow is the process of safeguarding and assets during a transaction …
Peer-to-peer systems are decentralized and open networks not based on a central authority and characterized by censorship-resistance and direct contact between individuals …
Ccoins presents the “flips,” a swap service for cryptocurrencies and tokens created to make it easy to exchange from a currency to another …
KYC or “Know your customer” is an identity verification system in which a user’s residence, identity documents, and in some cases, their biometric information …
“Know your transactions” (or KYT) is a procedure used to analyze and monitor each transaction in real-time …
A wallet is an application that allows us to send and receive cryptocurrencies in a decentralized way …
Blockchain is a ledger technology that stores a growing record of transactions in data blocks linked together using cryptography …
A token is a digital asset created by an organization representing a value, product, or service, which is publicly accessible and can be traded in peer-to-peer marketplaces …
Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency, whose operation is based on data storage technology called “blockchain” …
Dai is a stablecoin whose value is equivalent to 1 USD …
Bitcoin Cash is a decentralized digital currency focused on processing large volumes of transactions at a low cost …
Ethereum is a blockchain system with its own cryptocurrency called “Ether” allowing the creation of advanced smart contracts that supports tokens and powerful decentralized apps …
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