Bitcoin is the most popular and oldest Cryptocurrency in the world, but it is also a network that allows the creation of other digital assets. BRC-20 are an example of these assets, which use the “Ordinals” protocol to issue and transfer fungible tokens on the Bitcoin network. In this article we will explain what BRC-20 are, how they work, what advantages they offer and what opportunities present for the future of Cryptocurrencies.

What are BRC-20?

BRC-20 are experimental tokens that are created on the Bitcoin network using a JSON data entry. JSON is a text format used to represent objects, arrays, numbers, strings, booleans and null values. BRC-20s use this format to associate a text or monetary symbol with a Bitcoin transaction, without the need to use smart contracts.

BRC-20 is also defined as a token standard, that is, a set of rules that specify how tokens are created, transferred and stored. The BRC-20 standard supports the “Ordinals” protocol, which is a data layer built on top of the Bitcoin network that enables the creation of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and other types of digital assets.

Click to tweet: Do you know what BRC-20 are and how they can be issued in Bitcoin? Discover the advantages and opportunities of these tokens in this article.

How do BRC-20s work?

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BRC-20s work similarly to ERC-20s, which are the most common tokens issued on the Ethereum network. However, there are some important differences to keep in mind:

What advantages do the BRC-20 offer?

BRC-20s offer a number of advantages that make them more attractive and convenient than other ways of issuing and transferring tokens, especially in the context of 2024, where the demand and supply of Crypto assets is expected to increase considerably. Some of these advantages are:

What opportunities do the BRC-20 present?

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The BRC-20 presents a number of opportunities that open up new possibilities for the development and adoption of Cryptocurrencies, both by investors and everyday users. Some of these opportunities are:


The BRC-20s are one of the latest innovations of the “Ordinals” protocol and have generated a lot of interest and expectation in the world of Cryptocurrencies. BRC-20 are fungible tokens that are created and transferred on the Bitcoin network, using a JSON text format. The BRC-20s offer advantages such as greater security, simplicity, compatibility and interoperability, and present opportunities such as greater innovation, diversification, inclusion and participation. BRC-20 are, without a doubt, one of the best options for buying and selling Crypto assets in 2024.

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