¿Qué es el estándar ERC-20?

It is a standard network from Ethereum that through smart contracts allows the creation of tokens whose operations will be executed in said Blockchain. Since the framework established for the creation of these tokens is very broad, it allows great flexibility to developers, making this a very popular alternative for utility token minting.

09 estandar erc 20

The main advantages offered by this standard is the simplicity with which they can be created, the ease of exchanging these tokens through decentralized exchanges, and their frequent support in Dapps oriented to the Ethereum ecosystem.

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Of course, in Ccoins we have 3 tokens that were created in the Ethereum ERC-20 standard and in addition to this they are stable currencies, such as Tether, USD Coin and DAI. Although these 3 currently operate in different blockchain networks, they originated from said standard.

This standard for creating tokens based on the Ethereum network is very important within the Cryptocurrency ecosystem as it has brought a large number of successful tokens with various useful features to the ecosystem.

Of course, the ERC-20 standard is not unique, there are currently other standards as good as Ethereum’s, for example TRC-20, which is the Tron standard and, ERC-20, it also allows you to create tokens based on the Tron network.

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