Welcome to CCOINS, a web platform (hereinafter referred to as “CCOINS” or “PLATFORM” or “SITE”) owned by the company CCOINS LAB SAS with NIT 901.090.970-2, which offers its services, described later in this document. CCOINS LAB S.A.S is committed to protecting USER information in accordance with the laws, legal provisions, and other regulations governing consumer protection – Law 1480 of 2011 and other regulations in accordance with public order.

You and all persons who use CCOINS, registered or not, will be referred to in this document as USER (S).


  • USER: The natural person who makes use of the services offered via the CCOINS PLATFORM.
  • MAKERS: The USERS who make an offer to buy or sell cryptocurrencies.
  • TAKERS: The USERS who accept the offer made by certain MAKERS.
  • PERSONAL DATA: This is all the information that identifies the USER.
  • FLIP: This is the service offered by CCOINS that allows its users to convert one cryptocurrency to another or convert their cryptocurrency to USD and vice versa.

General Data Protection Regulation GDPR: the regulation that governs the protection of data of citizens living in the European Union.

The general conditions are as follows:


When a USER enters his data and registers and accesses or uses the platform freely, or does so without registration, he acknowledges having read and understood the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy of CCOINS and that he is required to comply with their provisions and all laws and regulations regarding the platform’s use, access, and connectivity.

If the USER does not accept any of the terms and conditions, he must not log in to, access, or use CCOINS in any way.

The USER is responsible for complying with all laws, regulations, or any other obligations related to the PLATFORM. The USER is recommended to carefully read the Terms of Use before carrying out any activity on the PLATFORM.

 The USER who registers by email, accesses, or uses CCOINS acknowledges that the Conditions constitute a binding and enforceable legal contract with CCOINS.


CCOINS is a peer to peer (P2P) web PLATFORM that allows its registered users to exchange cryptocurrencies with each other, without involving banks, businesses, or intermediaries. Registered users of the platform can make announcements or offers to buy or sell cryptocurrency (in their capacity as MAKERS) to which other registered users (in their capacity as TAKERS) can respond. In this way, MAKERS and TAKERS connect and freely agree on how to exchange these cryptocurrencies and the payment methods they will use, being fully responsible for the legal use of these payment methods. During this process, the MAKER user’s cryptocurrencies are blocked until all the necessary conditions are met to complete the transaction. Once the TAKER user has fulfilled the conditions of the transaction and the payment has been confirmed as valid and received, the cryptoasset is unlocked and released.

CCOINS also allows its users to convert one cryptocurrency to another or to convert their cryptocurrency to USD and vice versa, using different types of cryptocurrencies and depending on the balance they have.


CCOINS does not act as a payment processor. All responsibility for sending and receiving payment and confirming the validity of transactions rests with MAKER and TAKER users. All exchanges on the platform are carried out between users. CCOINS NEITHER INTERVENES nor IS A PART of any transaction, nor does it provide financial or investment advisory services, or advisory or management services on registered user accounts.


Unlike currencies of the rest of the world, cryptocurrencies are not backed by physical assets, a central bank, or the assets or reserves of said authority, so their exchange value could be significantly reduced, and may even reach zero. Cryptocurrencies only have the backing of the technology they are based on and the mutual trust of the users who own them. Therefore, it is important that the USER understands that the exchange of cryptocurrencies involves risks that may not be described in this document, as well as that they do not have discharge power (power to extinguish obligations) such as that which the peso issued by the Bank of the Republic of Colombia has.

USER Declaration …

Therefore, USERS, when using the PLATFORM, declare that they assume the risks of high price volatility that cryptocurrencies may have and other risks not specified in this document that this asset class presents.

It should be noted that the price indicated in the offers to buy or sell, made by the MAKERS on the platform, may also vary depending on changing market conditions and, therefore, users when using this PLATFORM also freely and voluntarily assume these risks.

Each User is responsible for maintaining an adequate balance of cryptocurrencies and the information provided for any payment or withdrawal in cryptocurrencies on his account or from his CCOINS Account. In the event that the information is incorrect, the USER accepts and freely and voluntarily assumes the risk that this could mean the total loss of these cryptocurrencies sent or received.

CCOINS will not make any transaction when it suspects or has an indication that the USER’s activities are related to money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, fraud, corruption, or any type of financial crime, or an activity that does not comply with the provisions of these terms and conditions, or in the event of a judicial or extrajudicial requirement by any competent authority.


The USER authorizes CCOINS to 1) use the processor, bandwidth, and storage material of his device to facilitate the operation of the PLATFORM; 2) dispose of the USER’s personal data in the terms established in this document in order to facilitate the operation of the PLATFORM and to verify the USER’s identity; and 3) send notifications to the USER’s email and cell phone.


 The USER has the following obligations imposed by applicable laws and regulations:


  • To maintain confidentiality by not sharing the USER’s username and password with third parties.
  • To refrain from creating several USER accounts on the PLATFORM.
  • To provide only true and accurate information about the USER’s personal data.
  • To have accepted these General Conditions of Use.
  • To inform CCOINS immediately of any anomaly
  • If not over 18 years of age, to not use the PLATFORM, nor provide CCOINS with any of his personal data.


CCOINS will adopt the necessary measures to protect the security or protection of USER data. In the event that modifications to the information recorded on the PLATFORM are detected, in the event of an irregularity, or simply as an identity protection measure, CCOINS may contact the USER by e-mail, to corroborate the modifications and attempt to avoid possible fraud.

Personal data provided voluntarily to the PLATFORM can only be processed by CCOINS in accordance with the CCOINS data processing policy, which you can consult on the PLATFORM.

 The USER may revoke the authorization to use his personal data in accordance with the Habeas Data law or the regulations governing data protection matters and the GDPR. In this regard, CCOINS can be contacted via a customer service email: support@ccoins.io.


In order to use the Services, the USER must create an account on our website.

During the registration process and as STEP 1, the USER must enter the following information: full name, e-mail, and a chosen username. The USER is not authorized to create more than one account on the platform, nor to act as an intermediary for any other person. Once the above data has been entered, the USER must click to accept the general conditions and privacy policies, which can be found on the PLATFORM.

The USER is recommended to carefully read the Terms of Use before carrying out any activity on the PLATFORM. Once the data requested in STEP 1 has been entered, the e-mail indicated by the USER will receive a verification confirmation e-mail.

To complete STEP 2, the USER will indicate the password with which he can enter his account in CCOINS. Once entered, he will continue the process of identity verification, to the internal verification process and once evaluated, the USER will be informed if the verification process was successful or, if there was a rejection by the PLATFORM, of the reasons for this decision and how he can restart his process of verification outlined above, to verify that the person claiming to register is who they claim to be.

To complete STEP 3, we will verify the residence of the USER, for which the USER must enter the following data: country of residence, address of residence, city, postal code, nationality, and some supporting information that proves his residence. This supporting information may include, for example, an invoice for his household services or a document indicating his address. In addition, the USER is invited to enter his mobile phone number, which will receive a message with a verification code which must be entered on the PLATFORM.

In this last step, the USER will activate the second authentication verification factor of his account. The PLATFORM will clearly indicate step by step how to proceed.

Once the three steps have been completed, the USER will be able to benefit from using CCOINS.


The USER can cancel or close his account at any time; to do so he will only have to make a request to CCOINS. However, he must not have active disputes and in case of having funds in his wallet, he must provide the address to which to send his cryptocurrencies. This process will be carried out within thirty (30) working days of the request.

The USER’s personal data will be deleted from our databases within thirty (30) working days of the request to do so; however, data that has been shared with other users will be retained.


The use of the PLATFORM is the sole responsibility of the user and at his own risk. CCOINS will not be liable for any damage or loss resulting from any event due to the use or inability to use the platform.

CCOINS does not act as a payment processor. All responsibility for sending and receiving payment and confirming the validity of transactions rests with MAKER and TAKER users. All exchanges on the platform are carried out between users. CCOINS NEITHER INTERVENES NOR IS PART of any transaction. USERS when using the PLATFORM declare that they assume the risks of the high price volatilities that cryptocurrencies may have, and other risks not specified in this document including but not limited to those pertaining to this class of assets.

These terms and conditions do not imply or create any partnership, joint venture, agency, advice, or trust, between the USER and CCOINS being one vis-à-vis the other totally independent.

The USER is responsible for any information he provides through the PLATFORM and that it is accurate and complete. CCOINS is not responsible for errors or omissions made by the USER in connection with any transaction initiated via the PLATFORM. Before carrying out any transaction, it is recommended that the USER examine the details before completing it.


CCOINS charges fees for the following services offered on the PLATFORM:

– CRYPTOCURRENCY SHIPPING: this can be internal if the address to which the USER wishes to send the cryptocurrency is part of the internal addresses or belongs to one of our users; or external, when it is sent to an address that does not meet the requirements to be considered an internal shipment.



Applicable rates, including any additional charges or taxes, if any, will be displayed before the USER uses any service. Prices are subject to change and CCOINS reserves the right to adjust its prices and prices at any time.


The USER accepts that the information will be updated in the event of any change or modification. Likewise, periodically, the PLATFORM will require a mandatory update. Updates allow CCOINS to have up-to-date information and to continue providing adequate service to its users, thus improving administrative processes.


 The USER may not exercise, directly or through anyone, the following activities. The USER may not:

  • Use the PLATFORM for illegal, illegal, or unauthorized purposes.
  • Use the PLATFORM as a means to send any form of spam, unsolicited mail, or similar behavior.
  • Violate the physical or computer security measures available to CCOINS, in order to prevent or restrict access to the PLATFORM.
  • Violate the verification measures of their account on the PLATFORM.
  • Present false documents during your verification process or from third parties claiming they are your property.
  • Copy, modify, alter, adapt, make available, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble any part of the PLATFORM.
  • Allow access to CCOINS to unauthorized or underage users. The USER assumes full responsibility for the unauthorized use of his account, including use by minors.
  • Interfere with or interrupt the operation of the PLATFORM, CCOINS, or the servers or networks that host it; or violate the laws, regulations, requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of said servers or networks.
  • Share, through the PLATFORM, any content, text, or information that is abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory, slanderous, or discriminatory on matters of racial, sexual, religious, or otherwise disagreeable or offensive.
  • Impersonate another person or entity, or provide false information on CCOINS, directly or indirectly.
  • Post false, inaccurate, or illegal information on the PLATFORM.
  • Take screenshots, hotlinks, linking, indexes or any redirect to other web pages or platforms.  USERS will also not be able to print, reproduce, distribute, or publish content hosted on the CCOINS PLATFORM, such as images, logos, texts, recommendations, comments, and any other content on the PLATFORM.
  • Take any action that imposes or may impose, to be determined at the discretion of CCOINS, an unreasonable or disproportionate load on the infrastructure of the PLATFORM.
  • Create a browser, framework (framing), or graphical user interface (GUI) around CCOINS without the permission of CCOINS.
  • Modify the PLATFORM in any way that affects the security of sending personal information and contact data (such as emails, phone numbers, etc.) to other CCOINS USERS in order to not pay for the service or to do illegal activities.
  • Carry out any activity contrary to public order and the strict compliance rules governing this type of activity on the Internet.
  • Copy, distribute, reproduce, extract audio, record, transfer, show to the public, transmit, or make available to the public the content or any part of the CCOINS PLATFORM, or use it in any other way that is not expressly or legally permitted.
  • Avoid the territorial restrictions imposed by CCOINS on its USERS.
  • Manipulate CCOINS services in any way through script or other automated process.
  • Sell a user account or accept any compensation or monetary or similar payment to modify the PLATFORM, a user account or user content.


In the event of a breach of the provisions established in these General Conditions, CCOINS will delete the USER ACCOUNT and may initiate legal actions for contractual or extra-contractual civil liability.

As a condition of using the PLATFORM, the USER accepts and guarantees that the USER:

 Will not violate or violate the terms and conditions of CCOINS.

  • Has the legal capacity and authorization to accept these terms and conditions and to enter into a binding agreement under any applicable law.
  • Agrees to use CCOINS in accordance with these terms and conditions and to comply fully with the USER’s obligations.
  • In exercising these Terms and Conditions, will not violate any other agreement to which the USER is bound by any provision of any law, rule, regulation, ordinance, or court order.


USERS are prohibited from participating in activities, posting content, and registering or using a username that has the following characteristics or which includes material which: 

  • Is harmful, abusive, defamatory, pornographic, threatening, obscene, illegal, or which aims to promote or commit an illegal act of any kind, including violations of intellectual property rights, rights to privacy or property rights of CCOINS or a third party;
  • Includes the USER’s password, or intentionally includes another USER’s password or the personal data of third parties, or has the purpose of requesting such personal data.
  • Contains false, inaccurate, or illegal information.
  • Contains malicious content, such as malware, Trojans, or viruses, or prevents a USER from accessing the service.
  • Is intended to harass or intimidate other users.
  • Spoofs or misrepresents your affiliation with another USER, person or entity, or is otherwise fraudulent, false, misleading or erroneous.
  • Is promoted in a fictitious way by automated means.
  • Interferes with or damages or manipulates CCOINS in any way.
  • Violates or attempts to investigate, explore, or examine the vulnerabilities of the service, systems, computer networks, rules of use, security components, authentication measures, or any other measure of security, content, or any part of the PLATFORM.
  • Conflicts with these Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policies, as determined by CCOINS.

The USER understands and accepts that the publication of said material or the failure to comply with the above-mentioned restrictions on use may result in the immediate termination or suspension of his CCOINS account.


The PLATFORM and its Content are the property of CCOINS LAB S.A.S or its licensors. The USER of the PLATFORM acquires a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to use the CCOINS service, and a limited, non-exclusive, and revocable license to make personal, non-commercial use of the content (the “LICENSE”). This LICENSE will remain in effect until the USER or the CCOINS cancel it.


CCOINS may terminate or suspend access to the CCOINS service to the USER at any time due to improper or illegal use of the PLATFORM.

The validity of these CONDITIONS is for the time of use of the PLATFORM by the USER.


CCOINS may cancel the USER’s account, without notice if: 

  • The USER has violated the terms and conditions of the PLATFORM, applicable laws or regulations, or the rights of third parties.


CCOINS respects the privacy of the USER and undertakes to protect the information published on the Platform. The USER has access to the privacy policies on the processing of personal data and the GDPR. USER information and its handling are described in detail in the CCOINS PRIVACY POLICY, which is an integral part of this document. It is understood that the USER knows and accepts the Privacy Policies once registered as a USER on the Platform.


 The brand, logo, commercial currency, and all other identifiers linked to CCOINS are the property of CCOINS LABS S.A.S with NIT 901.090.970 – 2 whether they are registered or not.

Other trademarks, service marks, trade names, and logos appearing on the PLATFORM are the property of their respective owners (“THIRD PARTY TRADEMARKS”). No right, license, or interest in the CCOINS brands or the THIRD-PARTY BRANDS are granted by the use of the PLATFORM.

The trademarks related to CCOINS and THIRD-PARTY BRANDS are governed by intellectual property rules and regulations and other legal provisions.


The PLATFORM may contain links to third-party websites (“THIRD-PARTY SITES”), which may be suggested by CCOINS. The USER acknowledges that CCOINS has no control over these THIRD-PARTY SITES and acknowledges and accepts that CCOINS is not responsible for their availability or the services, content, advertising, products, or any material available on them. The USER also acknowledges and accepts that CCOINS will not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused by the use of any service, content, product, or other material available through the THIRDPARTY SITES. THIRD-PARTY SITES are governed by their general conditions of use and their corresponding confidentiality policies and the USER must know and accept these policies before using them.



The availability and functionality of the PLATFORM depend on various factors, such as communication networks, software, hardware and service providers, and contractors. CCOINS does not guarantee that the PLATFORM will operate at all times without interruption, or that it will be safe from unauthorized access or error-free.

CCOINS will make every effort at all times to ensure that the availability and functioning of the PLATFORM are in optimal conditions and that the USER can access it without any inconvenience.


 The USER undertakes to release from any liability and to indemnify CCOINS and CCOINS LAB SAS with NIT 901.090.970 – 2 and their partners, advisers, administrators, employees, and agents in respect of any claim, demand, loss, liability, and expense (including legal costs) arising from:

 (i) violation or violation of any of these TERMS AND CONDITIONS;

(ii) the use by CCOINS of USER Content produced on the PLATFORM; and

(iii) infringement of the rights of any third party.


CCOINS may modify the Terms and Conditions at any time. If substantial changes are made, CCOINS will notify USERS through the PLATFORM. In the event that the General Conditions need to be modified to comply with legal requirements, the modifications may take effect immediately, or as required by law and without the need for prior notice. The USER shall, after the entry into force of the new changes, read and indicate their acceptance. In case the USER does not agree with the modification of the General Conditions or the Privacy Policy, he can cancel his account on the PLATFORM.


CCOINS may assign and transfer these TERMS, and may delegate any of its obligations in its sole discretion and without restriction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, its successors and authorized assignees must continue to comply with their obligations described in these TERMS.


  • These TERMS AND CONDITIONS should not be construed as a relationship, association, joint venture, employee-employer, agency or franchisor-franchisee relationship between CCOINS and the USER or related third parties.
  • Any claim related to the PLATFORM or its use will be governed by current laws, decisions, treaties, among other documents and Colombian legal provisions related to intellectual property, data protection and other materials related to services or PLATFORM on the Internet.
  • If any provision in these TERMS AND CONDITIONS is illegal, void, or ineffective, that provision will be deemed severable from this document and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
  • This document constitutes the TERMS AND CONDITIONS in force and replaces any other prior verbal or written agreement between the USER and CCOINS.


  1. In the lower right part of our PLATFORM, the USER can find our button “CONTACT US” in which he can write to us. To do so, he will have to indicate the subject of the request and his e-mail.

If the USER has any questions or comments on the TERMS AND CONDITIONS, he can send an e-mail to the following address: support@ccoins.io. CCOINS will respond as soon as possible and in any case within the established legal deadlines.

  1. Transactional or notification e-mails regarding USER activities within the platform are sent from the support@ccoins.io e-mail address.
  1. Support form: We have a support form for the USER. To use it, the USER must answer the following questions:

Specify the type of request: “How can I …”, “Error found” or “Feature request” or “Other”.



CCOINS will respond as soon as possible and in any case within the established legal deadlines.

Thank you for reading our TERMS OF USE and for using our services.

Address: Calle 7 # 39 215 oficina 1009, 050022, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

Email: support@ccoins.io.

Last updated: 2024-03-26.

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