If you want to buy DAI at the best price using the safest platform on the market, Ccoins is the ideal place for you.

When you buy using Ccoins, you can consider hundreds of offers published on our P2P market. You can also formulate your own purchase offers and construct them the way you want. For any of the cryptocurrencies available on Ccoins, select one, and choose the price at which you want to purchase it. You can select the payment method that best suits you, and you can even leave a message with your desired exchange conditions. 

If you want to make a Bitcoin purchase offer, at Ccoins we have created a very intuitive and easy-to-understand offer editing system. Now, in just a couple of minutes, you can create your own purchase offer.


To publish offers on Ccoins, you must be a registered and verified user. If you have not already done so, you can do it from here. Once you are registered and verified, go to the Ccoins Market and select Create Offer.


Now you will see the offer creation panel. You will see two options: Buy and Sell. In this case, select Buy, select the Standard option, and choose the cryptocurrency that you want to buy (in this case, DAI). Then, press Continue.


Now you can choose the country and payment method that you want to use to pay for your cryptos. To do so, select the country to which you want the offer to be directed, as well as your preferred payment method. You must also choose your preferred time window for the offer. Once you’ve done this, select Continue.


You’re almost done! Now, choose either Fixed or Floating price. Select the option that suits you best, and then enter the price at which you want to buy. Once selected, choose your commercial limits to indicate the maximum and minimum you are willing to buy. When everything is clear, select Continue.


In this final step, enter the terms and conditions of the exchange. In this step, you will find a text box in which you can freely express your conditions so that your counterparty can accept your offer in accordance with your terms. Once finished, you must select Publish Offer, and then… success! You have now created your first offer!

Sign up for Ccoins now! Join the Most Advanced Cryptocurrency P2P

Only in Ccoins, Buy and Sell your DAI at the best price through hundreds of offers in our P2P market or convert them to any of our seven available cryptocurrencies.

Ccoins is the fastest and safest platform to trade crypto assets

If you want to make a purchase offer in DAI, the minimum amount is $25, which in the case of DAI would be equivalent to 25 DAI.

Any user can take an offer from our P2P market or make their own. If you create one, you will be able to configure it as you want, by customizing the price, payment method, and many other features.

You should buy DAI if you want a digital currency, you are confident in its value, or you want to send money to others easily or store the value of your assets in a different form.