Liveness Test

At Ccoins, we want each of our users to feel safe using our platform. This is why, for each exchange, any of the two participants can request a Liveness Test. This test involves requesting the counterparty to make a short 6-second video in which they must make non-demanding movements with their face.

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Both the Liveness Test and Ccoins’ identity verification system work thanks to a procedure of recognition, verification, and evaluation of a person’s biometric data. This includes users’ personal and legal identification data, such as identity documentation, email verification, government data, facial analysis, biometric verification, and comparison with AML surveillance lists, among other verifications. This is all analyzed to comply with the best KYC and AML practices on the level of high-security financial services firms. This is how we protect our users and our platform.

The Liveness Test can be requested at the starting time of an exchange. Below, you will see the step-by-step guide to requesting a Liveness Test.

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Once the exchange has started, it does not matter if you are a buyer or a seller; at the bottom of the chat, there will be a button where you can “Request Liveness Test


When requesting a Liveness Test, the system will ask whether you want to send a Liveness Test request. If you want to, press YES; if you want to cancel the request, press NO.


If a Liveness Test has been requested by the counterparty, the system will notify you. Then, you must follow the steps to carry out the Liveness Test, which consists of a video of a few seconds in which you must follow specific instructions. Internally, MetaMap will make a comparison of your face with different sources and validate this information with that provided in the registration process.


The Liveness Test process usually lasts a couple of minutes until the system generates the verdict. It is recommended to request a Liveness Test before paying (buyer) and before the buyer pays (seller).


Once the verification system analyzes the biometric information captured in the video sent by the user, the verdict “Liveness Test has been completed” will appear.


When the verification is complete, you will be able to continue with the exchange, but you will be a little more sure that you are exchanging with the user registered on Ccoins.

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