Tips for making a sale exchange

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When users intend to sell on any P2P platform, they must take precautions at the time of the exchange. At Ccoins, we do everything possible to keep scammers off our platform. Therefore, we explain measures to take if users experience irregularities in an exchange as well as warning signs of a possible scam.

  1. When choosing a sale offer, it is important to check the profile of the user who owns the offer, the status of their reputation, the number of exchanges made, and the number of users who have blocked them.
  2. When you are new to a P2P platform, it is advisable to opt for offers from users with a high reputation and a large number of completed exchanges. It is better to trust someone with high activity on the platform at reasonable prices than someone with few exchanges who is paying a price much higher than the market value. Scammers often use this form to take advantage of inexperienced sellers.
  3. When you open a sale offer, the first thing you should demand is that the payment is not made from a third-party account. The owner of the account from which the payment will be made must be the same Ccoins user who is participating in the exchange, as third-party payments can be used to carry out scams.
  4. If the buyer tries to take you to another platform to make the exchange, promising to raise the purchase price, it is better to cancel the exchange, as taking this action undermines the protection provided by our platform.
  5. It is not recommended to accept offers in which reversible payment methods are used, as this is very risky. Some payment methods can be reversed and the funds returned to the buyer, leaving them with both the money they paid and the cryptocurrency they “bought.”

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