How to enroll in Ccoins?

CCoins como funciona pilares ccoins

To start using Ccoins, you must create an account on our platform (Link Ccoins). Once there, you need to complete the registration process. We recommend that you have your ID as well as your mobile phone handy to carry out the verifications. 

  1. Enter (Ccoins registration link) and fill out the requested information. Remember, the email you register for must be for personal use. We suggest having a minimum of 8 characters for your password. Plus, use your personal information such as your date of birth or the number of your Identification Document.
  2. Once you enter the information, you must accept our privacy policy and our terms and conditions; then, you must select [Create your account].
  3. A list of requirements will appear that we must verify to enter our Ccoins account.
  4. To verify your Email, you must go to the [Email] tab and select [Verify]. Then, go to your email inbox and look for the email verification link. In the email, select [Verify my email]. This link will open a tab, where you can continue with the other verifications. 
  5. Now, verify the phone number. You must go to the [Phone number] tab and select [Verify]. A panel will open, and you must choose the country where you live and enter your phone number. Choose how you would like to receive the verification code: as a text message or a call, select [Send code]. Once you get the code, you must enter it and select [Confirm code]. Now, you can continue with the next verification process.
  6. Identity verification: You must have your ID or any documentation that certifies who you are, such as a passport. Go to the [My identity] tab and select [Verify]. Enter your name and surname, your country of residence, and your date of birth, then select [Continue].
  7. Three documentation options will show up that you can use to carry out the identification process (passport, driver’s license, ID). By choosing one of them, you will be able to continue with the process on your computer or through your mobile phone using a secure link. Select [Continue on the phone] and then select [Get secure link]. It will generate a QR code that you can scan to continue the process more comfortably on your smartphone.
  8. The secure link will take you to the identity verification and biometric security process on the Mati platform. Follow each of the steps when prompted by the application and without closing the Ccoins pages in your browser.
  9. Once you have sent the photograph of the selected documentation and one of your profiles within the application, you can continue with the process on your computer, where a message with the security configuration awaits you. At this time, your identity information is being analyzed; later, you will receive an email notification concerning the status of the analysis.
  10. Now, we will configure two-factor authentication, which is an extra security system for your account. You must click on [Continue] in the message that appeared at the end of step number 9 to configure your second authentication factor. You must use a specialized and safe application for this process. If you already have a 2FA application, just skip this step and select [Ok, I already have the 2FA application on my cell phone]. If you don’t have a 2FA app yet, in this step, we will explain how to obtain it.
  11. Once the 2FA application is obtained, the system will generate a QR code that you can scan with your 2FA application. Once the code has been scanned, your Ccoins account and your 2FA application are linked, and your application will start generating codes indicating that the link is Complete. Our system will ask you for your application’s code to finish the process. Enter the code and select [Verify and continue].
  12. Once your 2FA application is linked and verified, the system will generate a series of 10 codes that you must save safely, as any of these codes allow you to regain access to your account if you lose or replace your cell phone. Once the codes are saved, select [Ok, I already saved my recovery codes].
  13. A message will appear indicating that your account is now more secure. Select [Continue] to proceed to create your username.
  14. Remember that your username does not have to be your real name, but you can enter it if you wish. Just keep in mind that this username cannot be changed later. Select [Save], and you’re done! You now have a Ccoins account where you can create your offers or accept an offer that interests you.

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