How to create a standard purchase offer?

CCoins como funciona pilares ccoins

To create your purchase offer in Ccoins, first, you must be registered. Then, you must enter your account and:

  1. Go to the Ccoins [Marketplace] and select [Create offer].
  2. You will see the panel for creating offers. If you want to create a purchase offer, select [Buy] and then select [Standard].
  3. Select the cryptocurrency you are willing to buy and select [Continue].
  4. Select the country where you wish to present your offer. You can also choose your preferred payment method as well as the time limit for the duration of the transaction; once this is configured, select [Continue].
  5. Select the Price at which you are willing to buy as well as the type of price (Fixed or Floating). You must choose the minimum amount you want to buy and the maximum amount you can buy. Then, select [Continue].
  6. Write the terms of the exchange; once this is completed, select [Continue], and that’s it! Your first purchase offer is ready.
  7. You can view your offers in the [Exchanges] tab.

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