Brazil has announced the launch of a blockchain-based digital identity that will allow citizens to access public and private services. However, digital identity will not be decentralized or self-sovereign, but will depend on a central authority that will validate users personal data. 

What does this project entail and what challenges does it pose?

What is blockchain digital identity?

Blockchain digital identity is a concept that seeks to take advantage of the blockchain technology to create a more secure, transparent and efficient identification system. The idea is that each person has a unique digital identity, which they can manage and control autonomously and which they can use to interact with different entities and services.

Blockchain digital identity is based on the principles of decentralized and self-sovereign identity (SSI), which advocate that each individual is the owner and responsible for their own identity, and can decide what data they share with whom and under what conditions.

Blockchain digital identity relies on the use of verifiable credentials, which are digital documents that contain information about a person’s identity or qualifications, and that can be issued, stored and verified by different parties without intermediaries.

Blockchain digital identity offers multiple benefits, such as:

Brazil launches a blockchain digital identity that does not respect the principles of the SSI. What problems does it raise? Don't miss this! Share on X

What does Brazil propose?

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Brazil has announced its intention to create a blockchain-based digital identity for its citizens, with the aim of improving the provision of public and private services. The project is called “Identidade Digital Nacional” (IDN), and is led by the “Tribunal Superior Electoral” (TSE), which is the body responsible for the civil and electoral registry of the country.

According to the TSE, the IDN will allow citizens to have a unique digital identity, which they can use to access services such as health, education, social security or transportation. The IDN will be based on Hyperledger Fabric technology, an enterprise blockchain platform developed by the Linux Foundation.

The IDN will be integrated with other existing identification systems in Brazil, such as the “Registro Civil Nacional” (RCN), the “Documento Nacional de Identidad” (DNI) or the “Sistema Biometrico Electoral” (SBE). The TSE will be in charge of issuing digital credentials to citizens, as well as validating and verifying personal data.

What problems does it raise?

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Although the IDN is presented as an innovative and beneficial initiative for citizens, it also generates some doubts and criticism. Some of the problems it raises are:


The IDN is an ambitious project that aims to create a blockchain-based digital identity for Brazilian citizens. However, the IDN does not comply with international blockchain digital identity standards, as it will not be decentralized or self-sovereign, but will depend on a central authority that will validate users personal data. The IDN poses several challenges and risks in terms of privacy, security, trust and inclusion, which should be addressed before its implementation.

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